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My name is Poon Cheng Moh. I have been teaching biology in SMK(P) Raja Zarina, Port Klang for 26 years. I sincerely hope that this blog on SPM Biology will be useful to both teachers and students.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Cell Structure : Organelle

1. What is organelle?

Organelle is a minute structure in the cytoplasm that has a specific function.

a) Organelle



1. Nucleus

-the largest organelle

-has chromatin thread

-control all activities of the cell

-contain DNA which determine the characteristics and cell functions.

2. Vacoule

(plant cell)

-fluid filled sac enclosed by membrane called tonoplast.

-the fluid is called cell sap.

-vacoule in plants store chemicals such as water, amino acid, sugar, mineral, waste product.

-vacoule regulates water balance in plant cell and paramecium

-supports herbaceous plants

3. Mitochondrion

-cylindrical shape

-made up of two

membrane units

-the site of energy production through cellular respiration.

Glucose + O2 +Energy + H2O + CO2

-energy released is used for cellular activities

4. Lysosomes

(animal cell)

-contain hydrolytic enzyme.

-membrane-bound sac

-release enzyme to digest material in food vacuoles in organisms like Paramecium

-break down complex organic molecules(eg protein, lipid, polysaccharides & nucleic acid).

-digest bacteria, dead or damaged

organelles to enable a cell to renew itself

5. Chloroplast

(plant cell)


-contains chlorophyll.

-traps sunlight (energy) during photosynthesis

6. Centriole

(animal cell)

-small cylindrical structure

-form spindle fibres during cell division in animal cells

7. Ribosome

-small spherical organelles

-either attached to RER or free

-the site of protein synthesis

-use information from nucleus to make these proteins.

8. Endoplasmic

reticulum (ER)

i) RER

ii) SER

-The membranes of ER are continuous with the nuclear membrane

-has ribosomes attached to its surface

-does not have ribosomes

attached to its surface

i) RER – Transports protein (made by ribosomes) to Golgi apparatus.

-Protein are packaged in vesicles which are called transport vesicle.

ii) Synthesis of lipids (phospholipids and steroids)

-Detoxification of drugs & poisons

9. Golgi body/


-stacks of flattened membranous sacs.

-new membrane is continuously added to one end of Golgi apparatus and buds off as secretoryvesicles at the other end.

-processing, packaging and transport center of synthesized proteins (such as enzyme/hormone/antibody, phospholipids and carbohydrate & glycoproteins (such as mucus).

-all these modified substances, enclosed in a secretory vesicle and bud off from the Golgi body to the cell membrane/other parts of the cell.

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